Thursday, June 18, 2020

Managing people at work job advertisement - Free Essay Example

Abstract Resilience in leadership entails a general attitude which is fast and easy to develop. This project is set to discover the vital importance of having a resilient leader across the organizations. Conflict and violence are inevitable in a considerable number of professional organizations thus the leader should have developed various tactics which they should use to solve the stressful situation. A leader should be prepared for anything because most of the times things do not go as planned. A leader should exercise emotional intelligence and their knowledge in settling the dispute in the organization as well as the adverse ability to adapt to the prevailing workplace conditions. There are many ways to help develop resilient leaders where the companies can invest in their competencies thus assist in creating not only resilient leaders but resilient enterprises that support a resilient world. The global market has diversely created needs for International Corporation where leadership effectiveness has been an issue of concern in the works of global business and human resource management and development Introduction Resilient leaders are of great significance for all agencies across the world because it is vital to its success. It entails the toughness and actions taken by an individual aiming to face a challenge or a hindrance. Resiliency is also defined as a mindset and a core set of behaviors that can be developed over a period. Notably, being a resilient leader comes with an adverse response to having subordinate under them thus they are heavily loaded with tasks and roles to play. It all depends on the leader personality since a considerable number of them can be naturally resilient while others are less so depending on the way they are brought up. Notably, for being a leader, having resilience is of great importance in making leadership easy to manage. There are chief qualities which a manager should develop so that they can be able to stand during misfortune times in an organization. Chiefly, it is challenging to lead others if one cannot lead themselves thus to be an effective leader, one should be a good role model. A leader should show the stuff that they know what they are supposed to do to earn respect thus will listen to them. This is achieved through discussing their experience in life as well as acting professionally. Moreover, the leader should be clear on their roles and the expectations of the organization from the beginning thus the employees will be motivated since they know what they are up to at the end. In addition, an effective leader leaves room for input from the employees when making decisions. It is achieved through asking for feedback after wrapping up a project as well as asking for other peoples opinion when in face to face conversation. The said qualities help a leader to be successful because they help them avoid crisis within the workplace. It is through these qualities that a leader develops more sophisticated intelligence, knowledge a nd experience to run the organization, strategic intellect, and the ability to adapt to diverse working environment and condition. The following proposal project discusses the conceptual framework and research models on resilient in leadership, the importance of resilient leadership in an organization, and qualities a resilient should acquire for a successful team. Conceptual frameworks and research models The world which we are living today is globally interconnected thus it is volatile, complex and ambiguous to handle where leaders are under enormous pressure where they are supposed to sort through the available information. Conceptual models help the user in visualizing system elements and their probable causal relationship. Notably, theoretical models are always encouraged as a starting point used for planning. The models of resilience are related to the development of leadership qualities in an organization. There is a relationship between the leaders stress on the job and their ability to put in control resilience in a prolonged interaction with the hardship. The concept which is associated with resistance states that these leaders are of no value in sustaining the organization. Moreover, there are significant numbers of concepts which are related to resilience and thus describe the stage in which a leader is likely to be after facing adversity. These ideas include developmental psychopathy, human development, medicine, epidemiology, as well as social sciences. In addition, thriving is another concept which is concerned with people’s ability to go beyond their normal level of functioning despite being exposed to stressful experiences in an organization. Self-efficacy and positive self-esteem are in return used to characterize resilience and thriving. Therefore, there is a positive impact on the productivity, and the sustainability since those who develop leaders needs safe surrounding which helps both emerging and existing leaders flourish. Hardship is also another Conceptual framework and research models which are similar to the thriving but instead it embraces an individual ability aiming to make the best out of difficult situation. According to the book Conceptual Frameworks and Research Models on Resilience in Leadership, Bonanno (2004), discusses hardship concept as having various dimension. First, being committed to finding meaningful purpose, and the belief that one can influence ones surrounding and predict the outcome of the events as well as learning and grow from both positive and negative life experiences. Importance of resilience in leadership People always envy others who are leaders in their work place though they may make more money and live in better offices as compared to these leaders. Moreover, they may have a bigger say and power to control what goes on in the workplace. Leadership which can be emulated does not happen by accident, but its development can take years. These leadership duties entail proper communication skills, exceptional skills in decision making, and the ability for the leader to know when the workers are in need of extra information and giving clarification to them. Resilient people dont dwell on failures, but they acknowledge the situation which is learned from their mistake and therefore decides to move forward. Primarily, it helps resilient people to have a positive image of the future through maintaining an optimistic attitude and resentful brighter days ahead. Moreover, active people, view the effects which are associated with bad events as temporary instead of being permanent. Thus these leaders are always optimistic on the performance of the organization even when in its weakest point. In addition, they view a difficulty in their leadership as a challenge but not as a paralyzing situation. They drive lessons and opportunity for growth from the failures and mistakes they make in life and during and after their leadership. Moreover, resilient people can cement their goals and have the desire to achieve them. They dont have to blame themselves even when a bad situation happens in their lives.   They are always committed to achieving their goals, and in return, they have a compelling reason to keep going.   Therefore, an organization having this of a leader is likely to grow fast and shine over the others. In addition, it also helps resilient people are always categorical and empathetic; however, they dont waste their working time to worry about what other people are thinking about them.   They rather spend their time focusing on situations which they have control over. It is because they use their energy on issues which have an impact on the business. Therefore, those who spend their time worrying about managing events end up feeling lost and having no power to take action. Notably, they dont think of themselves as victims of failure in running the organization because they always focus their time in manipulating things they have significant control over. How leaders view assortment and stress in their leadership strongly affects the success of the organization, and thats why it is of importance to have a resilient mindset head. Resilient is of great significance in leadership because it makes the involved leader show up. In the case of any disruptive event occurring in the organization, showing up by the manager makes the circumstances surrounding the disruptive event easy to settle. As a result, the event is framed up and managed through resiliency by deliberately giving the involved parties freedom to reunite. Qualities of Resilient Leader A resilient company requires a kind of a leader who has a diverse understanding of the risks a company takes to grow and the opportunities which are facing business and how to utilize them. It is employed regarding knowing who is skillful in engaging with different stakeholders and those who demonstrate a trait of flexibility as well as the commitments to organizational ethics. Notably, these leaders are hard to find, but they are acute in guiding a right resilient company. The role of each business leader is more luxurious in public, and thus they are supposed to be in a position to interpret emerging issue and societal moods. They should also change the internal structure of the organization, act efficiently on the global stages as well as building a healthy and helpful relationship with companies from other constituencies. The following are considerable number of leadership competencies which are of primary importance for business leaders in this changing landscape and are still r elevant today Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence is of great significant than ever in today’s fast paced collaborative workplace. It entails the capability of the leaders to recognize their own and other people’s emotion in a work place. It is the ability of the resilient manager to know the degree of their feelings and how effective a leader is in controlling and expressing emotions to others during the job. Moreover, it incorporates an understanding of how other people feel so that the administrator could use that insight in interacting with them more efficient. Managers and the stuff as well can benefit from improving their level of emotional intelligence to lead in managing project teams and influencing people and gaining more responsibility. Therefore, individuals who have a high level of emotional intelligent turns out to be the best leaders as well as better team members. Notably, emotional intelligence is a quality with distinct value as it also helps is administrative professionals. The administrators interact freely with people of a diverse variety of personalities and work style both within and outside the organization. Therefore, it is for the leader to control their emotions to suit those attending to. The leaders should not only enhance their emotional intelligence, but they should also teach the staff on how to manage theirs and be used in the interview when recruiting new job candidates. Moreover, a suitable resilient leader should always have a positive image of the future through maintaining a positive outlook and being optimistic for the days ahead. Moreover, confident people are more resilience because their views effect what associates the bad events as temporary instead of being permanent. Thus these leaders are always optimistic on the performance of the organization even when in its weakest point. They drive lessons and opportunity for growth from the failures and mistakes they make in life and during and after their leadership. Therefore, a good leader should always be confident despite the impossible he is going through their leadership. Knowledge or Experience Leadership experience describes the exposure a leader has in leading other people in a different setting. Notably, one does not have to be a manager as a factor to be a leader because leadership can take place outside a workplace. A leader life experience creates a personal capacity that they are in need to lead. These experiences shape and make the heads since it gives them a profound effect on their worldview as a leader. To enhance ones experience, leaders in workplace work more hard through interacting with employees thus having high quality leadership skills and experience. Notably, an international leader who is successful should have the knowledge of what a leader is expected to do and implement it according. Resilient Leaders are frequently identified through what they do and the kind of results they achieve at the end. Working as a resilient leader requires a person who has outstanding communication and interactive skills. The one with past job experience which necessitates the ability to deal with different people having a different view regarding managing an organization and also with different expectations and goals. Strategic Intellect It involves a kind intelligence which is required in formulating the strategies, and policies in the workplace, Strategic information plays a crucial role in preparing leaders in understanding the setting in which they are leading and working for the common interest. The changes which occur from the industrial work to knowledge jobs requires a shift in the dominant mode of production of the organization, the way they organize their work as well as the tool used. Moreover, the skills and a good relationship are also required for effectiveness and requirement of a leadership role. To gain strategic advantages, the leaders encompass diverse options which are available to any leader at any given moment where this intelligence is not hard to find. A resilient leader should be able to set rules and policies which will govern the operation of the company. It is through these strategies that the organization can establish norms and regulations which govern the business processes. Moreover, the policies give the leader to work efficiently with the employees since each worker has a duty to play because their policies governing the role they are specializing. It is through formulating strategies that a leader is psychologically prepared in understanding the organization setting on how things should be done. Notably, a leader who is of high intellect concerning the performance of any organization should have goals to be achieved after a set period. Also, a leader should have the strategic intelligence to adjust the mission and vision of the company. Ability to Adapt. It is not the strongest species in the ecosystem that survives the wrath of the surrounding or the most intelligent one but those who are most responsive to adapt to the changes. It is highly relevant in the situations of the todays business where by thriving in market place only requires new adaptive approaches. The world of work is changing at a high pace where the employers are actively looking for graduates who can quickly adapt to the changing working environment due to rapid change of working environment. They are also able to embrace new ideas and emerging issues in technology because they are enterprising and adaptable to changes. A significant number of people wonder how some companies can embrace change and struggle through the difficult situation while others fail. It all depends on the qualities of the resilient leader if he can accept and fight every all severe occurrence leading to downfall. Moreover, a resilient organization leader should be in a position to efficiently innovate and perform in all situations may it favorable or hostile. A resilient leader should be willing to learn new methods, procedures, and techniques taken to the new desk. Moreover, they should look for new ways of doing things to achieve new the set goals and company objectives. Individual lives changes as peoples get the order so as the business, and organizations do. These changes occur in the firm setting though the leaders where they resist the changes strongly. The changing process is distressing to employees. Thus it gives them negative reactions out of it, and thats why resilient leaders always advise people to recognize stages of change and embrace its results through taking preventive measures. Chiefly, the change management is always an issue of debate among scholars. Conclusion How leaders view assortment and stress in their leadership strongly affects the success of the organization, and thats why it is of importance to have a resilient mindset head. Most managers report a higher level of commitment to their companies and their potential to solve societal issues through their products and services. The global market has diversely created needs for International Corporation where leadership effectiveness has been an issue of concern in the works of world business and human resource management and development. Notably, an international leader who is successful should have the knowledge of what a leader is expected to do and implement it accordingly. The companies have many ways which help them develop a resilient leader where they can invest in their competencies thus assist in creating not only resilient leaders but also resilient enterprises that support a resilient world. It all depends on the leader personality since a considerable number of them can be naturally resistant while others are less so depending on the way they are brought up. Therefore, people who have a high level of emotional intelligent turns out to be the best leaders as well as better team members.

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