Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Flaws in Americas Health Care System in Sicko by...

In â€Å"Sicko,† Michael Moore presents the flaws of America’s health care system that has been in continuous debate for many years. Despite the government’s obligation to help people, there are nearly 46 million Americans without any health care coverage, because they either are not able to support such costs or have been rejected by the health insurance companies. Thus, Moore claims that because America’s current health care system is incompetent and morally corrupt, the federal government should provide universal health care for all citizens, since America’s health care companies do not consider the rights of American citizens and make fraudulent decisions to make profit. Throughout his film, he also uses ethos, logos, and pathos to†¦show more content†¦Also, such upsetting interview plants a sense of fear in the viewers as they realize that they may become the victims of America’s unfair and faulty healthcare system anytime in th e future. Therefore, through pathos, Michael Moore succeeds in convincing the viewers that universal health care system is needed. Moreover, Michael Moore infuses logos in his documentary film in order to further his influence on the audience. In several scenes, he presents statistics that depict the morally corrupt side of America’s health care system. For example, the film states that â€Å"drug companies like to buy their members of Congress† and displays the cost of each Congressman, including George W. Bush with the highest among all. â€Å"Why did they hand out all this cash? They wanted a bill passed—a bill to help seniors with their prescriptions.† In addition, Moore presents that â€Å"the healthcare industries spent over a hundred million dollars to defeat Hillary’s healthcare plan.† These statistics reveal that America’s health insurance companies spend excessive amount of money in order to maintain their business. In other words, the presented facts disclose the greedy nature of those companies that have the tendency to focus on doing anything to keep things their way. As a result, the audience loses credibility in and starts to question their health insurance companies. Moreover, Moore compares America’s health care system toShow MoreRelatedCorruption of the US Healthcare System in Michael Moores Sicko581 Words   |  3 Pages Sicko is a 2007 documentary produced and directed by a well-known American filmmaker Michael Moore. The film investigates the United States healthcare system, focusing mainly on the pharmaceutical industry and health insurance. Michael Moore believes America’s health system is morally corrupt as he continuously argues the fact that the American medical system is aiming towards governmental funds rather than the rights of American citizens. Throughout Sicko, Moore claims that the U.S. should adoptRead MoreSicko and Moore Essay2846 Words   |  12 PagesProfessor  Bollinger December  12,  2010 SiCKo:  The  Thought ­Provoker Michael   Francis   Moore   is   a   controversial   American   filmmaker   who   has   directed numerous   documentaries.   These   documentaries   have   taken   a   large   spectrum   of   popular American   issues   and   reduced   them   to   one:   capitalism.   His   most   popular   cinematic   works include   Bowling   for   Columbine,   Fahrenheit   9/11,   Capitalism:   A   Love   Story,   and most ­notably,   SiCKo.   With   a   liberal   stance,   Moore   has   documented   his  Read More The Broken Healthcare System of The United States Essay1495 Words   |  6 Pageswidely discussed and debated concerning the United States’ economy is our health care system. The health care system in the United States is not public, meaning that the states does not offer free or affordable health care service. In Canada, France and Great Britain, for example, the government funds health care through taxes. The United States, on the other hand, opted for another direction and passed the burden of health care spending on individual consumers as well as employers and insurers. In

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